OSHWA is getting a new look

Hello lovely OSHWA heads! We are so excited to announce that we will be launching a gorgeous new website! We were able to work with Chris Wong and the Objectively team to build something truly wonderful.

Our new site will will be launching next week and will feature all the same content we have now but organized in a much more intuitive fashion plus, we think, in a much more aesthetically pleasing way. This is an official heads up that soon when you log on to the OSHWA website you’ll be seeing this new design, including dark or light mode and up-to-date certification tracking.

We hope you love it as much as we do! (Oops, we had a hiccup on the OSHWA side with porting links and images – do you ever get the hiccups?) Please hold!

Monthly Show & Tell with OSHWA

We are so excited to be launching a monthly Show & Tell livestream happening on the third Thursday of every month! Our first stream will be Thursday, November 21st at 1pm EST and you can watch live here while we have creators who got certified in October come on and talk about their work.

This month’s session will feature the Signet, the pic0rick and a Respiratory Pressure and Flow Data Collection Device. We’re really looking forward to hearing from these creators and knowing more about their journey to certification.

All the streams will be recorded and put on our YouTube channel as well so if you can’t make it to the livestream you’ll still be able to learn about these amazing projects!

Show & Tell: 24hr Membership Drive Livestream

Join us for a 24 hour livestream where we check in with open source creators and groups around the world to celebrate all things open! Check the schedule right here! Join the stream over here!

OSHWA is looking to up our membership. Becoming a member allows you to vote in board elections, and support our programming like the Certification, the Summit Fellowship and Open Hardware Month. If you are able to join check out our Membership page to see what level works for you!

The Open Hardware Summit is coming to Scotland!

We are beyond excited to share our new design for this year from Tanya Brassie of Inner Loop Press! Check out their work!

And we are going to be coming to Edinburgh on May 30th & 31st, 2025! Our call for proposals for talks, workshops, and exhibitors is currently open and we’re also building an amazing team of on-the-ground helpers and teammates, read on for more details!

Our Summit Fellowship applications are also now open and we encourage anyone marginalized people in open technology and culture to apply to receive a stipend for attendance and mentorship opportunities leading up to the event.

Get involved

Here’s what we’re looking for:

  • People who can help us reach the weird, wonderful, and technical open source, Hacker, DIY, tech/art and maker community in EdinburghGlasgow, and all around the UK and Europe.
  • People who are connected with makerspaces, hackerspaces, labs or other creative spaces that can help spread the word all around the world.
  • People who are excited about reaching diverse and underrepresented populations.
  • Spaces interesting in hosting workshops, parties, community gatherings and other happenings.
  • Seasoned open source enthusiast and people who want to be involved in open source but aren’t sure how. No experience required.
  • Be able to attend (or contribute to asynchronously) to meetings once a month, usually Wednesday mornings in US Eastern Time (UTC-4) or around 5 PM GMT (UTC+1).

Specifically, we are still looking for a venue for day 2, which can hold people in various rooms for breakout sessions and workshops.

We do not require that all presentations, organizers, or helpers be open source certified or contribute to open source projects, but only that you are enthusiastic about sharing and learning about open source work.

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Connected with some of the world’s most active open source communities. Past sponsors have included Sparkfun, Arduino, Digikey, and other key players in the hardware community.
  • A free or discounted ticket to the event.
  • Free opportunity to exhibit your work to over 300 people.
  • A hand in forming the vision for one of the largest Open Source events in 2025.
  • An unforgettable experience with cool people from around the world!
  • An opportunity to connect globally with people working in your field- be it academically, recreationally, or within the industry.

If you are interested in helping out, please email us at hello@leecyb.org.

See you in Edinburgh!

OSHWA awarded NSF POSE grant

OSHWA is thrilled to announce that on August 15th, we were awarded a 2-year National Science Foundation (NSF) POSE grant to create an Open Healthware Ecosystem. The grant for the Open Healthware Ecosystem will be highly specified research looking at the intersections between health hardware and open source hardware principles including certification. As we discovered during the pandemic, open source hardware has been instrumental in enabling rapid response and preventing supply chain issues in critical moments. For example, distributed manufacturing of open source face shields assisted in PPE production during the COVID-19 pandemic which was critical in the early days when even medical workers could not obtain necessary supplies. 

The Open Healthware Ecosystem will bring together the emerging open-source health hardware community, and encourage the shared development of health-related hardware designs through coupling health hardware to the open hardware certification. In the first year, the research team will focus on facilitating agreement on standardization for a health-related open hardware certification, developing on-ramps for the health-related hardware community to learn about open hardware, and building education campaigns and workshops around documentation needed for the new health-specific certification. In the second year, OSHWA will focus on issues around quality assurance and shared testing protocols for the purposes of an open hardware certification, which are critical to the adoption of health hardware outside of emergency use authorization circumstances.

This is the first government grant the Open Source Hardware Association has received.

OSHWA needs your help

OSHWA is in a pickle! In the US where our not for profit is registered there is a law stating that one third of all income must be from the public, while we have been extremely lucky to have received private grants if we don’t have enough public contributions our status will be revoked.

Today we are launching a merch fundraiser with an incredible design from artist Jess Hannigan that will help us keep going. You can snag your own tee/hoodie/v-neck right here you’ll be helping us maintain our status and any additional funds raised will go right back into making cool things happen in our community!

The 2024 Open Hardware Summit

On May 3rd and 4th in Montreal, Canada the Open Source Hardware Organization (OSHWA) will be hosting the 2024 Open Hardware Summit, featuring 2 full days of workshops, talks, unconference and discussion sessions dedicated to exploring Open Source Hardware. If you can’t make it in person, we’re also holding sessions online via YouTube and Discord

Our branding this year was created by Enna Kim, who worked with us to create our 2024 logo as well as a series of characters. We love the playful nature of the loombot, the googly eyed integrated circuit and the tangles of wires that we think reflects what we’re trying to pull off for OHS2024. We want the Summit to be engaging, intriguing, full of surprises and chock full of radical, new ideas. 

Above all else we’re excited to be able to gather together the open source community to explore all the ways that ‘open’ exists!

Here’s the thing: we know it’s a long trip for some of ya’ll. Thankfully we offer many ways to experience the Summit, both in-person in Montreal and online with a fully hybrid conference. We are working hard to be sure that no matter how you attend you will get as much as possible out of OHS2024. With the help of livestreaming, our Discord server and lots of volunteer coordination you can participate in talks, Q&A’s with speakers, propose topics and participate in a digital unconference on Day Two! 

Even though the 3rd and 4th are our official dates we are also excited to have programming around both sides of the conference. 

On May 2nd there will be a mini reuse make-a-thon to practice your recycling skills, plus an open source perfume workshop and a Happy Hardware Hour hosted by Helen Leigh and Crowd Supply

The official Summit will start on May 3rd at Concordia University. 

We are excited to welcome Danielle Boyer, an Indigenous robotics expert, as the keynote speaker. Boyer will be speaking on her work creating robots to revitalize Indigenous languages, and utilizing them to address the systemic oppression of the Anishinaabe community. It’s certain to be a talk that you do not want to miss. 

This is just one of the incredible parts of OHS this year.  

We have also managed to fit in 19 other talks ranging from e-textile manufacturing to making bespoke open hardware for your loved ones to open source medical devices, the topics and quality of the speakers is truly wonderful. 

We also noticed a heavy push to discuss the environmental impacts of making with proposals this year that resulted in talks on repurposing disposable vapes, addressing pollution in hardware production, and developing sustainable biomaterials for 3D printing. 

On top of all that we also have a dedicated table hour where people can explore the very rad offerings like a diy computer repair zine, afrofuturist devices for speculative PTSD treatment, and modding gameboys.

Even though it’s such a full day we know some of ya’ll will still need to let off some steam which means we’re going to have an afterparty where you can hang out, socialize and dance until you are exhausted. 

On Day Two we will be moving to LESPACEMAKER for workshops, unconference and discussion groups. For those joining us IRL workshops range from building robots, finding wi-fi access points to making paper. Make sure you sign up for workshop offerings so you don’t miss out! 

We know that our community loves to explore ideas in-depth and we wanted to be sure there was time for folks to discuss thoughts they had come up over the course of Day One so we’ve got space for discussion groups. 

Plus all Day One both in-person and online attendees can suggest unconference topics that will be voted on in the evening to have sessions running smoothly on Day Two. Unconference topics can really be anything and will have space dedicated to be able to present to one another. 

With that we’ll come to the official close of OHS2024. 

On our unofficial Day 3 we will be gathering at CyberLoveHotel for a relaxing, sharing and zinemaking session. 

All this to say that we really can’t wait to see everyone this year. Please register for the Open Hardware Summit and join us however works for you. You can keep up with all the latest news on OHS2024 online on Twitter, Mastodon and LinkedIn.

OSHWA updates hardware licensing guidelines

Many things have changed in the hardware licensing landscape since we published our guidelines as a set of best practices for how to share hardware designs efficiently. If you visit them today, you will see that we updated the content under the “Licensing your Designs” section. The biggest change is that we are now describing four different licensable elements of open hardware: hardware, design files, documentation, and software. “Design files” as a separate element is a new addition to that list.  This short post explains the rationale for the changes.

Why Change?

One key factor is the increasing use of version 2 of the CERN Open Hardware Licence for sharing hardware designs under any of the three usual regimes: permissive, weakly reciprocal or strongly reciprocal. The CERN OHL v2 is the only license approved by the Open Source Initiative which was drafted with the specificities of hardware in mind. It is also the recommended license to host hardware designs on GitHub and other platforms.

Another important development is the exponential growth of open-source gateware (FPGA or ASIC designs using Hardware Description Languages) fueled by the RISC-V revolution. For those preferring a reciprocal sharing regime, there was no adequate license in this realm, and the use of traditional software licenses quickly showed a number of issues. The reciprocal variants of CERN OHL v2 filled that gap.

Modern hardware licenses all include patent license clauses in their text. They provide reassurance to licensees that any patents held by the licensor covering the hardware design are licensed to them alongside the other rights in the design. The new guidelines reflect this important trend.

Finally, there has been a persistent source of confusion since the early days of open-source hardware licensing, namely the difference between licensing the hardware designs and licensing the resulting hardware. 

The New Guidance

The new guidelines provide clarity by separating the hardware itself from hardware designs.  You can think of this as the difference between a PCB you are holding in your hand and a KiCad file, or a mechanical device and the schematic for that device.  This distinction can become especially important in situations where the designs are eligible for copyright protection, but the hardware itself is not.

The new guidelines also provide a set of best practices to be applied for different types of hardware. The resources on licensing in the OSHWA certification site will be updated shortly to remain compatible with the new guidelines and reflect this shift to a four-pronged approach to licensing, covering:

  • the hardware itself,
  • the hardware design files,
  • the documentation around the hardware, including e.g. user manuals and explanatory materials,
  • any software related to or running in that hardware.

Please read the new guidelines and let us know in the forums if anything is unclear or if you have any comments, requests, corrections, etc. Happy sharing!

OHCA Reflection: Kevin Eliceiri

The Open Hardware Creators in Academia Fellowship was a great opportunity for me and the researchers in my laboratory at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to formally explore and implement open hardware concepts in our microscopy development work.

For the last twenty years we have been active in the open source imaging software community but our efforts in the open hardware space have been less formalized and in great need of researching the best practices for our work. While we have been involved in a number of custom microscopy building efforts the dissemination efforts behind these projects largely relied on traditional paper publication which greatly restricts the how the important build process can be shared. When we have tried making our plans available it has been through videos of systems and online part lists that don’t allow other builders to fully observe the build process or share their own adaptions.

We are grateful to the Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA) for funding and advising on our OpenScan project as a fellow project to allow us to investigate this important problem. Over the last year OSHWA has provide the funding and expert support needed for us to focus on making OpenScan a open source system beyond just the software part. OpenScan is an open source platform for controlling laser scanning microscopes and consists of control software and hardware.

Before receiving the trailblazer award the open source concept in our lab (like most in the imaging community) had largely been applied to the software collecting and analyzing our image data and not the complete system with all the necessary hardware. In our field there was already widespread community support for making the protocols for any published scientific study open and carefully documented but the hardware used for most experiments whether homebuilt or commercial is most cases effectively a black box.

We are very interested in pushing forward in our imaging community the concept of releasing open-source hardware designs using OpenScan as example. Open Source Software has been very impactful in our imaging community (and science overall) but open hardware is still an emerging effort. Lots of groups share drawings of parts but when building complex systems, the efforts have been less. Using the open hardware laser scanning platform known as OpenScan our group over the last year evaluated what are the most relevant best practices from open source software that can be applied to hardware and what are unique open hardware criterion needs that have to be implemented for
successful sharing of open hardware.

As well on a personal note interacting with the many great fellows, mentors and leadership of OSHWA including open hardware perspectives from many different fields has given a bigger perspective on shared challenges between open hardware builds. I’ve enjoyed the many interactions at the in person and virtual OSHWA meetings and hope to stay involved with this community.

Find Kevin’s work

The OHCA Website: https://ohca.oshwa.org/kevin-eliceiri

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-eliceiri-0757064/

Laboratory for Optical and Computational Instrumentation: https://loci.wisc.edu/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/i/flow/login?redirect_after_login=%2FUWMadisonLOCI


Open Source Creators in Academia Fellowship Concludes, Delivers Impressive Results

To celebrate the success of this fellowship, we are excited to announce the official launch of the Open Source Creators in Academia website: https://ohca.oshwa.org/

October 24th, 2023 — The Open Source Creators in Academia Fellowship, an initiative run by the Open Source Hardware Organization (OSHWA), fostering collaboration and innovation in academia, has successfully concluded its program, marking a significant milestone in the world of open source. This fellowship, funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, brought together some of the brightest minds from universities and research institutions producing open source hardware. We are proud to announce the availability of the fellowship website showcasing the remarkable deliverables from the program.

Over the past two years the Open Source Creators in Academia Fellowship has gathered a diverse group of passionate individuals who are deeply committed to advancing the field of open source creation within academia. These visionaries have diligently worked to develop and share their innovations, contributing to the growth and democratization of technology.

The fellowship program, which was initiated with the goal of advancing open source research in academia, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing, has achieved remarkable outcomes, including but not limited to:

  • Innovative Designs: Participants have designed cutting-edge open source solutions in fields ranging from robotics and electronics to museum studies and environmental monitoring.
  • Open Source Resources: A wealth of educational materials, guides, and documentation has been created, making open source more accessible to the broader academic community and beyond.
  • Community Building: The program has fostered a global network of open source enthusiasts, encouraging collaborative research, idea exchange, and support.
  • Increased Visibility: The fellowship has increased the visibility of open source research in academia, contributing to the global conversation about open science and technology in academia.

To celebrate the success of this fellowship, we are excited to announce the official launch of the Open Source Creators in Academia website: https://ohca.oshwa.org/. This platform will serve as a hub for the resources generated by the program, including hardware designs, research papers, and guides on utilizing open source in academia.

The website features a rich repository enabling researchers, students, and technology enthusiasts to access, use, and build upon the work of the fellowship participants. It will be a valuable resource for those looking to embrace open source solutions for their academic, research or industry projects and partnerships.

OSHWA is incredibly proud of the work accomplished by our fellows and the community that has grown through the fellowship. This program has served to push boundaries of what it means to create within an academic setting and how we can move forward for a more collaborative and open future. 

For more information and to explore the deliverables from the Open Source Creators in Academia Fellowship, please visit https://ohca.oshwa.org/.

The Open Hardware Creators in Academia program was made possible with funding from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation: https://sloan.org/

Contact Information: Alicia Gibb Seidle, founder and executive director, OSHWA. Email us at info@oshwa.org

About Open Source Creators in Academia Fellowship: The Open Source Creators in Academia Fellowship is an international initiative that brings together talented researchers and academics to collaborate on open source projects. With a mission to promote open science, innovation, and knowledge-sharing, the program empowers participants to create, document, and share their open designs and research findings. Through collaboration and community building, the fellowship aims to make open source accessible to academics.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/open-source-hardware-association

Twitter: https://twitter.com/oshwassociation

Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@oshwassociation