Charla virtual de OSHWA: ‘Tecnología es nombre de mujer’ / Online talk: ‘Technology is a woman’s name’ – Elisabeth Lorenzi

Elisabeth Lorenzi / Batería de lana (wool battery)

Desde OSHWA continuamos con la serie de charlas virtuales sobre Open Hardware. El próximo encuentro será una presentación y discusión con Elisabeth Lorenzi, artista y tecnologista de Madrid. / In continuation of our series of virtual Open Hardware talks with OSHWA, we’d like to announce a presentation and discussion by Elisabeth Lorenzi, an artist and technologist from Madrid.

Viernes, 3 Julio @ 11:00am ET / Friday, July 3 @ 11:00am ET

Ahora puedes ver el video aquí: / You can now watch the video at: (english subtitles will be posted soon)

La charla se transmitirá en vivo por YouTube por el canal de OSHWA:  

Para unirse a la discusión, visita el canal #oshwtalks en el servidor Discord de OSHWA:

The talk will be streamed live on OSHWA’s YouTube channel:  

(video link, translation coming soon:

English translation (in text) will be provided in the #oshwtalks channel of our Discord server as well. 

Células solares de gelatin / Gelatin solar cells


De perfil poliédrico y transdisciplinar, mi trabajo se caracteriza por la incorporación de una mirada sociocultural a la hora de abordar el análisis de los mecanismos los innovación social en el campo textil, un profundo conocimiento de las metodologías cualitativas de investigación social, combinados con una capacidad técnica para proyectar el análisis en el prototipado, la documentación y el diseño textil.

Antes llevaba una vida doble. Profesionalmente, me dedicaba a la investigación social y la intervención sociocomunitaria. En mi tiempo libre me encantaba la creación textil. Hoy en día, ambas partes de mi vida coexisten a través de la investigación sobre tecnología y sostenibilidad

English: Polyhedric and transdisciplinary, my work incorporates a sociocultural view while addressing the analysis of the mechanisms of social innovation in the field of textiles, a deep understanding of qualitative social research methods, and a technical capacity for projecting analysis into prototypes, documentation, and textile design. 

Before, I lived a double life. Professionally, I dedicated myself to social research and socio-community intervention. In my free time, I loved textile crafts. Today, both parts of my life co-exist by means of my research in technology and sustainability. / @elisabeth.lorenzi


Si me tengo que definir, investigar es mi foco de acción. Aplico perspectivas etnográficas en la materialización de dispositivos electrónicos. Busco evidenciar como ha influido la brecha de género a la hora de conformar el sentido, el aspecto y los materiales de lo que hoy en día entendemos por tecnología. La pregunta que vertebra mi trabajo es la siguiente ¿Que hubiera pasado si la electrónica y la robótica se hubiese conformado en los espacios que estaban destinados a las mujeres?

En la manipulación de materiales y creación de dispositivos desarrollo dos lineas de trabajo. Una es “Electrónica Biodegradable” que pretende crear componentes electrónicos a partir de los avances que se están desarrollando en la investigación de bioplásticos. La otra es Power Textil: creación de materiales y prototipos de electrónica textil desde la aplicación de técnicas tradicionales de trabajo de la fibra textil.

English: If I have to define myself, research is my focus of action. I apply ethnographic perspectives in the materialization of electronic devices. I search for evidence of the influences of the gender gap as well as how it has shaped the sense, aspect, and materials of what today we understand as technology. The backbone of my work is the following question: What might have happened if electronics and robotics had conformed to spaces intended for women? 

In the manipulation of materials and creation of devices, I  have developed two lines of work. One is “Biodegradable Electronics” which attempts to create electronic components using emerging advances in bioplastics research. The other is Power Textile: the creation of materials and prototypes of electronic textiles through traditional fiber textile techniques.

OSHW Certification mark usage GitHub repository

Hello all — as promised, as part of OSHWA’s work on the upcoming Open Source Hardware Certification program, we’ve created a GitHub repository to host design templates including the mark for different design programs, so that you can more easily put the mark onto circuit boards, packaging, and documentation. The repository also includes a README with guidelines and style suggestions for using the mark in various contexts, sizes, colors, and print technologies (as shown above).

This is a draft, and we intend to continue refining it as a set of recommendations on how to use the mark, and as a style guide if you’re looking for ideas on where and how to incorporate the mark into your designs and documentation.

We’re starting with just PDF and SVG formats, but we are accepting both requests for new template formats and pull requests including new design template files for different design programs.

Updates on the OSHW Certification mark

Hello all – we’re excited to announce a final design for the logo (mark) that will be used for OSHWA’s Open Hardware Certification program. We had a lot of great ideas submitted, and after collecting feedback from OSHWA members on the top six, we’ve developed a final mark based largely on ideas from Matt Maier’s submission (see comments from above post), which received the most support of the submitted designs. Thanks to Matt and to everyone who helped shape this design!

Here is the final design; it is aimed to be distinctive and readable at very small sizes, as you might find on a circuit board screenprint, or on the bottom of an open hardware object. Letters are spaced to prevent obscuring due to ink bleed, and it provides space for an optional unique identifier code which could be used to look up the design. And it prints in monochrome with an optional two-color option.

A full design guide and various pre-loaded design files will be posted soon, so stay tuned. Thanks!

Open Hardware Certification mark: call for ideas

Hi, all – Jeff Warren here, OSHWA board vice president. 

You’ve probably been aware of the ongoing process by OSHWA to develop a certification program, with community input. Now we need to develop a graphic mark — the actual logo which would appear on Open Source Hardware objects, products, packaging, circuit boards, and documentation — by the end of March/early April. In light of that, today we’re making a call for ideas for what this might look like! We’ll keep an eye open here for 2 weeks, and announce next steps shortly afterward.

Note that this is NOT replacing the Open Source Hardware mark folks have been using — it’s a new certification mark, indicating that your project is part of the upcoming OSHWA certification program. Think of it like a “fair trade” or “certified organic” mark — extra assurance that the project really is open source hardware. A mark you can trust, because OSHWA won’t allow its use if you don’t comply with the Open Source Hardware Definition! It should be:

  • easy to distinguish from the existing “open source hardware” mark
  • not like the OSI logo (no gears, keyholes in gears)
  • monochrome-friendly (it’ll have to be printed on circuit boards)
  • simple enough to read at ~¼ inch ~3mm, & ideally even smaller
  • consider space for a unique identifier, useable in a URL (say, up to 5 characters)

Not this mark — a new one! But this illustration posted by Windell Oskay nicely shows how the mark will need to be legible at varying sizes.

Post your ideas in the comments — please embed images so people can easily scan through them.

Please note! OSHWA may incorporate ideas or use complete submitted logos for the OSHWA open hardware certification.  That means that by participating you are agreeing to transfer all rights in the design to OSHWA.  Why do we need the rights?  In order to control the logo and the terms of the certification, we need to control the rights connected to the logo.  We understand that arrangement won’t work for everyone, but it is the only way we can make sure the logo does what it is supposed to do.

Update: So, in response to some comments here and on the OSHWA discuss list, the nature of trademark is that we can’t re-use elements from someone else’s trademark, especially in a similar field. So although I see the draw of basing ours off of CC, for example, that would not make for a good mark, legally speaking. And in general, to avoid confusion, I think it’s best if it’s *quite distinct* from other marks, including the gear logo referenced in the post.

Re: embedding images, sorry, for the time being, please just link to images, and we’ll work something out soon.